Hello Hello & Welcome Back!
Just thought I'd throw in this added bonus video to remind you that
this is really about IM Made Simple...
Hope you enjoy this video, THEN we'll get onto the review!
So watcha think? Feel free to leave a comment below!
So, have you noticed how membership sites seem to be all the
rage this year?
So is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I don't know about you, but there are times when I wondered
why these sites are membership sites. An awful lot of
them just seem to be a product with a download area and a
means of capturing our e-mails to continue to try and
sell things.
Don't get me wrong. There are some membership sites that
do provide ongoing useful information, however, the membership
fees of these types of sites are usually beyond all realistic
Another type of site that really annoys me are the ones where
they offer a free membership, then low and behold, as soon as
you have registered your free membership, you discover that
there's an upgrade available and if you want the real juice,
you need to pay the 'mega high' monthly fee's.
Well today I found a site that doesn't conform to the norm.
Internet marketing Apprentice claims to be a site that helps
you by offering FR'EE Coaching before they even ask for any cash.
After taking advantage of their free coaching I checked the
rest of their site.
There seems to be many aspects to the membership.
The First is the Training:
If you decide to take a trial for just $4.95 (What? less than Mc'y D's?), You get to
see the shear VOLUME of training videos and articles inside
that takes people onwards from their start up coaching by
covering many aspects of internet marketing that nearly every type
of making money from the internet is covered!
Another One is saving.
Every month, members get the download a minimum of 16 products
that would normally cost on average. Somewhere between two
and $400, depending on the rights purchased with products.
So the savings for people like me, who are addicted to buying
anything that might be useful at some point, especially videos
that show me how to do tasks I'm not familiar with, can
seriously add up!
That then leads to the increasing your own income aspect.
The vast majority of downloads that are added each month,
come with rights. Either master resale rights or in many
cases private label rights.
The benefits to members from these can be immeasurable in terms
of the number of offers they can then make to sell on these
products. Or even build massive lists by using some as giveaway
With Free hosting included too, that's yet another area of saving
by eliminating the need to buy it elsewhere!
(And it's real hosting with no ads or banners like some free hosting
The Ace in the hole!
The number of useful products that are added monthly to the
membership easily justify the small cost involved. Having
said that, what I find the most useful part of this particular
membership is the discussion forum.
Within the membership there is a discussion forum. A place
where members genuinely help other members, not only in terms
of advice, but also in the setting up of joint venture opportunities,
advertising opportunities and member to member special
offers and discounts.
Plus getting any and all questions answered by the two founders of
the site who are successful marketers in ttheir own right.
As well as some of the fantastically experienced experts in so many
different areas of Internet marketing they have attracted to the forum.
Given the sheer volume of video tutorials, scripts, software,
e-book's and reports and other benefits in the membership.
Add to that the help and support from within the discussion forum,
and finish it off with the opportunities to build relationships
with other marketer's for everyone's long-term benefit.
And the extra perks like free hosting....
Now price it at less than you would pay for one product per month,
and I'm talking not talking about the usual $77 or higher product.
And I'm sure you can see why I wonder if this
is the last site we would ever need to join!
(And all this is covered with a 100% money back guarantee)
Personally, I've joined, whether you do or not is totally up to you.
To further investigate, you can check it out @
should you decide to lock in the price currently on offer, I look
forward to seeing you in the discussion forum.
I truely believe this is one of those few sites that represents
excellent value within the IM community, and I hope this post
proves to have been worth your time reading it.