Be Where The People Are... ListBuilding Part #2



So now that we've got thru the general idea of the importants of  ListBuild'n,

let's give ya another "relaxer of laughter"....


Don't get the wrong idea, there's a reason 4 provide'n this seem'n less, senseless content.

Which is... actually NOT so seem'n less (explanation momentarily)


Just take these few moments out kindly, 2 watch this!

Thanks Jessica Frech, You're 1 of me fav's!
Buy it now "People of Walmart" on iTunes!
Anybit, Explanation with a quickness...
1. Laughter really is good 4 your soul... and health 4 that matter.
You can check Wiki or other Pro Sites, or check this article out...
2. This is also a quality strategy that you can use while introduce'n a new
product or new idea 2 YOUR followers,.... The Ease N2 It Idea (cuz sometimes "new" is scary)
3. Yes, IM is a serious biz, but make it fun 4 yourself also! It actually introduces
your personality, which is key when it comes 2 market'n (especially social market'n).
AND... #
4. A COMPLETELY SHAMELESS PLUG 4 a great friend of mine.
A drop shipp'n biz in the states that provides products N services N nearly ANY market you can think of ( N he also reps 4 Wal-Mart).
On with it!!!!
ListBuild'n like a Mother...
Okay, the pain is over now rite?... Rite!
Lettuce get 2 the juicy juicy!
Remember how I introduced meself? 1st article bout
Rite., well, ya checked it out... now there's an extension..., an oober bonus if ya will,
1. Go 2 MySurfBiz
2.  Set up your 5iphon account
3. Integrate your 5iphone N2 MySurfBiz, promote promote
(plenty of ways 2 promote, just check out MySurfBiz)
4. Join Safe-Swaps N blast that solo ad!
Would ya like more tips on ListBuild'n?  Well Okay then...,
AN ULTIMATE PREMIRE SOURCE of your ListBuild'n campaign knowledge
would be...
 Now, I can go on N on bout others, but, these are  fine gents, with mad amounts
of knowledge. If ya should happen 2 decide 2 follow'm, be proper with your
correspondence, N they WILL help you ( you'll see).
Another rough 1 gotten through, congrats!
Now that we've gotten through it, let's have another fun 1 relaxer!
 By N By, if ya should happen 2 want 2 throw N your fun vid ideas,
just drop your link N the comment box...
Til The Next,

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