IM Not 4 U?

Hi Again,


So are you beginning 2 think that IM might not be the way 2 go?

Well, maybe it is, N maybe it isn't... It depends on where YOUR needs

N goals are set. N any case, I'm gonna introduce ya 2 another vid that'll

give ya another angle of how 2 work from your home... N keep N mind,
that this is from Good Morning America!


Okay, so now that I've got the idea across, I'd like 2 explain something 2 ya,

(closer 2 a confession than an explanation), it was the whole idea of work'n

from home that led me 2 where IM 2day. The idea 2 be able 2 work from home

has been N me mind since the 80's (yep, part of me confession), @ that time the

internet hadn't even been introduced 2 the public!


Another confession, this post is gonna be a bit longer than the rest cuz,


from these companies IM bout 2 drop ya knowledge on. So, bare with me here,

N understand that IM NOT try'n 2 be spammy by dropp'n ya all these links, but

I'd also like 2 give ya a brief description of who these companies are, N what your

job 4 them will be, + the best way 4 them 2 hire ya. Remember, this is truly

EXCLUSIVE INFO IM dropp'n ya here. I had 2 pay 2 even get this info N

figure out how 2 get hired by these guys...


Call it privileged, call it lucky, or ya can call it a thank you 4 check'n out me blog.

Lettuce begin!

PLEASE NOTE: Most of this info N companies are from the States, but there are positively,

some that ARE INTERNATIONAL. I know because I have received payments from them!


1. Rat Race Rebellion: These guys are the real deal. They offer ya hundreds of legitimate   

WORK FROM HOME jobs. As N, companies that will hire YOU, 4 performing a service 4 them.

As a for instance, have ya ever thought bout check'n out a website 4 their navigation? This opportunity does ask 2 have YOU record it on YOUR computer then upload your responses
N review on the website test subject, so ya can't be camera shy, or worry bout your voice.

What bout... YOUR digital camera skills? Do ya know how 2 upload a photo onto your computer?

Another possibility.

You have a fair sense of opinion 2 be able  2 review other people's services?

What bout data research?

If ya can say yes 2 any of these, + other opportunities, then this might be a site 4 ya 2 check out.


2. Shadow Shopper. That's right, Shadow Shoppers. It' probably not what ya think. These guys

will offer ya all the info on all the other links IM bout 2 drop ya. I originally started free, N when I

wasn't offered the promises of work at home opportunities, I upgraded ($30 a month).

Mind ya, after 1 month of these offers, I was overwhelmed n overbooked, so I cancelled my monthly

membership. It took a whopp'n 30 days before I was offered hundreds of work at home opps!

 Then of course after filtering through the opps,

I chose which companies I WANTED 2 WORK 4. I chose only a handful, cuz it kept me busy busy busy!

HERE'S THE KEY: Ya can either follow the links as a lead, or ya can check out Shadow Shoppers yourself (4 more opps). N another 1. Follow Shadow Shopper's "how 2 write bio's". This will not

only give ya a skeleton on how 2 write a bio, but it's also learned knowledge, ya can use later

N case ya ever need 2 write up another resume (hopefully not, that's the whole point of me blog).



Okay, so now that we have the taste, IM cutt'n through the chase (the rhyme's here are unintentional,
 ya just have to bare with me here ;) This report is gett'n a bit long, so IM gonna post the rest of the info
on the next... but, once again, wouldn't leave ya hang'n. Post'n it moments after post'n this 1. That's where we get 2 the juicy. Keep N mind, "the juicy" is where your gett'n all the free links, 2 where
2 apply!


Moments Away,




Ps. Here's another great program in case your interested in downloading vids
4 corporations


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