Blankety blank blank!!!, blank! I totally just botched that
title. It was actually meant 2 read...
Be Where The People Are...
Oh, my pardons,
But since we're there, I'm gonna throw in this totally,
senseless, random vid N
(Y not? we're already there... Yes?)
It's actually NOT random, laughter is good for your soul!
Let's Go!!!
OK, all chuckles N cottonmouth set aside (peanut butter N
saltines will solve that prob by n by),
let's get on with what IM mean'n here...
Ho Hum we're say'n, "weave all heard bout this 1".
Well, not zackly- key, the word weave.
Ya see, Email Market'n, N LISTBUILDING should be a % of your
market'n efforts.
ASK any "guru"....
"Rugu.. (cuz that's what I call'm), .. What is a kill sheet
(roughneck lingo), ***
N "What is the
Rule of Thumb for Differentially Stuck Pipe?" (more roughneck lingo)
The rugu will generally have no idea what the L you're
speak'n bout. Right.
So you're check'n out your rugu... (Important-- check'm out
check'm out!)
N, IM guess'n you have no idea what IM talk'n bout
(if you'd really like the formulas bout the kill sheet N
differentially stuck pipe,
just leave a comment N ask, I'll send it straight away when
me hitch is finished)
Next, the whole point, consider Traffic Exchanges to BEGIN
your listbuilding campaign.
Now, I'd like 2 express the word begin,
Because this can be a CRUCIAL part of your internet
marketing campaign,
1. It will help build your list
2. It will bring you more TRAFFIC
3. It will help brand you (later 2 come if we're not sure
bout brand'n)
4. It will help your secondary back-end sales
Now ya might be mumble'n N your mind, hurry up N get 2 the point...
So I'm gonna drop ya these 2 "not so fun,... but yet
informative" links.
They'll help ya get the basics on listbuilding N give ya
some tips.
Whew!, hopefully ya gave it a sec 2 read this one also,
There's a part 3 N 4 also.
Now I know these vids aren't that fun,
but they're THAT important.
Promise Promise, on the next post,
IM gonna not only give ya that info, but drop ya some extra
links for your campaign.
These links SHOULD NOT BE UNDER ESTIMATED! (System included)
Ending Note, Another "relaxer"
Have Fun!,