We're not finished! Hi Again! IM continuing on with the
next, like I promised!
Anybit, more proof N this 5 minute vid...
On 2 step 3!!!
CHASE: Here are the companies I've worked for,
N received payments
from (with brief descriptions or important info bout)
A.-- SASR,
or, SetAndServiceResources.com.
This is the company
where I made most me monies from.
I had a time of lay
off, did some research, certified meself (through the internet),
N was able 2 begin schedule'n meself whenever I needed the
cash. This service is bout
go'n in 2 a grocer's @ a scheduled time N date, work'n with
a vendor super, N re-arrange'n
(sometimes add'n new products) on the shelves. Simple A?
Pay: $11-$17 hr-- depend'n on the vendor, plan on 2-3 weeks before
payment by mail.
2 Note: How are ya gett'n certified? NARMS.com or through Shadow
This 1 is an exclusive... What can I say? They pay high
dollar 2 your paypal account if
you are able to hold yourself in a proper N professional
manner. Why?...
International Service Checker is just that, They will ask
you 2 answer a report (N their form),
with VERY specific, detailed N an observant way. The 1st
report actually took me
3 hours 2 complete... BUT, don't let this scare you! After
the 1st one (N not know'n
what 2 expect) it became SIMPLE... Was it worth the monies?
L- yeah!!
@ 1 point, I was actually offered a PAID TRIP (meaning
airfare, hotel stay, N pay..
get this... 4 meself N a guest willing 2 do a separate
report bout their client) on a resort
Pay: $40-$80 per report, N sometimes more! Like I had mentioned above.
2 Note: While fill'n out their app, it calls 4 a comprehensive bio +
Make sure whilst do'n this, present yourself PROPER. Use
proper grammar, show your
write'n skills, N your photo can be from home, but try'n
look professional. Why the photo you ask? Legally IM not allowed 2 give ya
their clients names, but think international N high end
(as N designer everything).
C.----- MaritzResearch. These guys are another great 1. Their research is not only
the services, but it's also bout taken a handful of photos
(digital) in order 2 make sure
their clients corp/franchise is up 2 spec. What's even more
FUN bout this 1??? If their employees
are do'n great, it's your choice 2 REWARD them on the spot
(specific clientele of Maritz).
I CANNOT explain enough, how rewarding this feels. Consider
this scenerio, your work'n,
average day, then some stranger (after this
"stranger/guest") has completed their survey of
your services N general up to spec report on the corp
franchise, says.... "Hey, you've done
great @ your job... so your employer is gonna do this 4
It feels good on both sides!
Pay: $10-$15 per report + approximately 10 digital photos. Up 2 a total
of 6
assignments per day.
2 Note: There'll be a trick question bout whether you'd be will'n 2
reveal yourself
2 the client... Answer Yes!!! Another thing, Maritz will be
ask'n ya to upload your photos
in a specific pixel size, just use your paint program N
Another quality service. These guys stay in great communication with ya.
meaning, anytime ya have a question just call'm during their
business hours (EST), they are there.
They will also call
you 2 check out whether ya can pick up their assignments. Their reports are
super simple, N a lot
of their clients are grocers. So you go 2 their assignment, poke about a bit,
buy some groceries
(WHICH THEY COMPENSATE YOU 4), N report. Free groceries N get paid?
Pay: $10-$15 per assignment + compensation for the groceries you
2 Note: Their reports ask you to ask specific questions to the
employees. You must
be observant N ask those questions.
E. TrendSource.com.
This company has a simple question form that should only take 30 minutes
@ the most 2 perform your "mystery shopp'n"
assignment. Most (from what I've encountered)
are bout your basic home office needs- simple.
Pay: $5-$10 a shot, + save your receipt for the specific items you
purchase, N ya get
compensated for it.
2 Note: Once you've received your assignment, do a sec of research on
the item
you've been assigned, specially if home office things aren't
your thing. Who knows, maybe it will
be later!
F. MarketForce.com. This 1 I can honestly say, is 1 where I've only completed 1
Reason, overbooked! These guys asked me, N a guest, to visit
the local theater, N check out
the turnout of the film play'n. Ya get 2 watch the flick ( N
guest), but ya also have 2 keep count
of the amount of arrivals 2 the film. Yes ya work with the
theaters management, cuz you are asked 2 attend up 3-4 showings in 1 day.
Pay: $10-$35 + comp 4 the tickets
2 Note: When ya go 2 apply, Market Force will lead ya N 2 other
opportunity mystery
shopp'n business' apps, ya might as well take that extra few
moments 2 open yourself up 2
these choices!
So ya see, even if IM isn't 4 you, there are plenty of opps
out there, where ya can
work from your home. Another thing 2 remember, these
companies pay YOU, you
don't pay them (be weary of those companies that are ask'n
you 4 your hard earned monies).
Baby steps. Maybe you can use these guys 2 get your IM
campaign up N runn'n?
Hope This Helps, Til The Next 1,
Ps. Here's another 1 that I 4got 2 mention, gett'n paid 2
read emails?